The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) amid many other diseases is threatening our lives, health systems and economic stability. A seemingly small spark in the corner of the globe has spread like a brush fire and put us on high alert. The ripple effect has had far-reaching consequences, some that we are yet to experience. Times urge us to heed the call to action.

We need to do what we can with what we have. If you feel any of the signs, do not hesitate and immediately seek medical advice. The devastation of the condition is amplified by the host’s unawareness of the presence of the unfriendly virus.

These are the key precautionary measures that should be instituted:

  • Thorough washing of hands before entering installations with an alcohol-based hand wash (70% alcohol); HAND HYGIENE AND REGULAR WASHING OF HANDS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE*
  • No handshaking
  • No hugging or kissing
  • Anyone ill with respiratory symptoms such as fever, sore throat, coughing and sneezing should avoid leaving home and infecting others

Anyone with a travel history in the last 21 days of travel to any area where there has been a reported outbreak of COVID -19 should avoid crowds for at least 14 days, as they may be asymptomatic carriers.

*Thorough Hand Washing means: washing the front and back of the hands, between the fingers and under the nails for 20 seconds – enough time to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.

Dose up with 1000mg of vitamin C and viral choice. If your immune system is healthy your body shouldn’t pick it up.

Should you develop any chest symptoms, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing please get medical attention without delay.

Stay healthy, stay aware.

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