Warm wishes for 2016

As we look to the horizon, lets envision infinite possibilities for our future. Let’s gaze with new eyes and take TIME to be in GRATITUDE. Let’s us al...

In Memory of Chisao William Chirwa

A good father makes all the difference in a child's life. He's a pillar of strength, support and discipline. His work is endless and, oftentimes, thankless. But in the end, it shows in the sound, well-adjusted children he raises.

Time is not static

Time is the fourth dimension. It is real, and yet we regard it as mysterious. We prefer to leave it in the realm of the quantum physics. But it is not only physics. It is life. Time is a day, a week, a month, and a year.

The Essence of being a Mother

I believe that all people are intrinsically good and have greatness within. However life takes its toll and impacts on who we become. It derails us and diverts us from our true nature. Thus if we acknowledge and embrace our greatness, we will be more aware and will have a better understanding of when we shift from our beliefs...

The Calabash: Vision Quest

A symbol for eternity … where all thirst is quenched. The African calabash is used when there is a gathering or coming together of people, where ideas...

The Art of Storytelling

The children of Africa learn from stories. It is these stories that shape our minds, our bodies and nourish our souls. Traditionally, the elders and t...

Sharing stories, uplifting lives

If us as parents aren’t telling our children stories of values, who is?  and what are they telling?  Lets share stories that have been passe...

The Number 12 (12th December 2012)

A soon to be unforgettable, and certainly memorable day in history Wednesday the 12th of December 2012(12/12/12) at 12:12:12 midday and midnight. Lets pause in peace and connect to our creator with Grace and Gratitude.

Igniting Africa’s Child

What is our dream for our children’s future? Our dream is for our children to live in a safe world where they can celebrate their childhood and enjoy ...

Life is a Journey

Much rhetoric is espoused on the journey of life but little is explained thereafter as often it is offered blindly and without thought or substance. L...