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A mother’s light shines infinitely

Only a mother experiences an undeniable connection with her child. From the moment that her body is connected to the child, the souls connect in the physical world. From the meeting of the eyes to the first touch between mother and child – the connection is infinite, eternal and can never be denied.

Nolitha … Only a Mother is Yvonne Kgame’s third work of inspiration and a pathway into joyous living.

Infinite Grace, her landmark debut portrayed her overview of the healing power of spirituality. Based on her personal experience of defying all the odds, Infinite Grace is a work of humility, gratitude and passion.

Nuggets of Hope translates the wheel of life into a straight line journey of just a year and each year.


A tribute to honour Yvonne Kgame – author and mother

There is a Chinese proverb that says:
“When Women Awaken, Mountains Move!”

Indeed! I, Anusha Singh as Founder and Owner of International Inspiring Women Network, I had the privilege of firsthand experiencing Yvonne making an impression and preparing her legacy. During one of our many soul consciousness interactions I expressed to Yvonne that it is noted that the girl child has much of our attention and the boy child tends to be neglected and it would be great to gain an insight to how young men/boys view us women as mothers and parents in this new age.

Yvonne immediately and enthusiastically expressed that I can invite her boy children onto my chat room platform. And wow ! what an unfolding this was… she sat with them and these young men were able to express their perspective, and emotions without any fear of recrimination or judgement.

Yvonne as a mother was amazing and she brought to life Ambrose Redmoon’s saying that “Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear”. Yes – Yvonne sat in a roomful of women with dignity and it was most commendable that in the presence of all she was able to own all aspects of herself and found the resources within her to accept what they were saying with love and empathy.

In that moment Yvonne epitomised to me what true strength is and that is keeping everything together when everyone , including yourself expects you to fall apart!

I wish Mama Yvonne from strength to strength and may she always reach new heights in all aspects of her life. I thank her for this honor and privilege of walking this length of her journey with IIWN and will always appreciate my distinct pleasure of bearing witness to a magnanimous women who has pushed her body, spirit and mind to new heights with the humor , kindness, patience and kindred spirit! Only the exemplery could have.

This is the mother – Mama Yvonne Kgame.

Anusha SinghAnusha Singh
Founder and CEO of Blueprint International
Owner of Inspiring Women Network
T: 27 11 6560718
E: info@anushasingh.com

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